Strange Attractors Conclusion by Phil Hartman DISCLAIMER: They're all Marvel's, except for that small person at the end ;) Please don't sue. WARNING: Graphic violence, language, and a birth scene. -------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere in Tahiti: 12/15/2003: 01:00 hrs local time: -------------------------------------------------------- "That's it ... magnificent," Sinister nodded as Rachel's abdomen stopped swelling. He deactivated the ray which had been forcing her fetus's growth along, and removed the tubes from her sides, ignoring her cries of pain as he sealed the incisions with a pale substance. "The biodermal sealant will prevent any amniotic fluid leakage or infection," Sinister nodded, picking the moaning girl up and setting her in a bed. "Rest now, child. You've just endured nine months of pregnancy in a few moments - you need to rest." "D-d-DAMN YOU," Ray sobbed, exhausted as Sinister covered her with a sheet up to her neck and left. #Frank ... oh God, Frank ...# She sighed, feeling her swollen abdomen, and whispered, "What kind of child could I -" ~... Mama ?~ Ray stifled a gasp, light flaring through her mind as she reached out an empathic hand to the tiny telepathic call. #Oh my GOD ... you're beautiful,# she thought, wiping her eyes with tears of joy this time as innocence and love flooded her mind. #The BABY ! Of course - maybe - but he's - HE'S - just a ... I can't,# Ray told herself, fighting down hope. #I can't ask my baby to - FRANK ! Maybe -# #Baby ? This is Daddy,# Ray thought, letting the tiny probe reenter her mind and flashing an image of Frank to the unborn boy. #Can you call him, too ?# ~Dada,~ the baby thought happily, casting out - -------------------------------------------------------- - and in the cells, Frank awoke, his inhibitor collar melting. #Outside psi-boost - RAY !?~ he called mentally, strength flooding him. He rose, telekinetically melting the blood, sweat and semen from his forced mating with Rachel off of his body (SEE SA Chapter 19 for the blunt details), and blasted his way out of the cell with white fire dancing around him. ~Frank it's our baby HE freed you I'm two levels up GET UNCLE SEAN HURRY !~ Ray pleaded. Frank was staggered by a smaller, softer query of ~Dada?~, but knelt by the unconscious Banshee with a hopeful smile. "Sir ... ?" Frank asked, disintegrating Sean's bonds. Sean opened an eye and coughed, "Ye're free ... ? How -?" "I'll explain later," Frank said, materializing a New Mutants uniform upon himself. "Right now, we hafta rescue Ray - and our son - before Sinister makes her give birth." "T'is been 9 MONTHS !?" Sean gasped, following Frank into the corridor. "No," Frank gulped, making Sean go pale. "And that's what scares me ..." -------------------------------------------------------- Over the Pacific: -------------------------------------------------------- "Damnit ..." Scott, Logan, Betsy, Hank, and Gambit clung to their seats as Cyclops floored the Blackbird. Emma and Moira sat in the back, and Moira looked at Emma with fear from a biosensor. "M'God ... he must've gone after Franklin an' Rachel," Moira whispered to Emma. "His powers're out o' control - I've ne'er seen 'em like this." "Moira, you're deluding yourself," Emma muttered, meeting the X-Men's fearful gazes. "The mind I sensed when Erik levelled the biosphere was NOT that of a boy." Moira looked at the bioscanner, then at Emma and whispered, wide-eyed, "Ye - NO. He's nae -" Emma just shook her head and said, "He force-graduated himself. "Let's just hope he has fond memories of school ..." -------------------------------------------------------- 1,000 miles ahead, a blue sphere crossed the silent waters, shattering all electromagnetic activity ahead of it. -------------------------------------------------------- Tahiti: -------------------------------------------------------- Frank and Sean shattered another series of security drones, and blasted open the main hatch to Sinister's lab. "I'll get him - you get Ray OUT of here," Frank demanded. "Lad, yui're powerful, but yui're nae THAT -" Sean ordered. They were blasted into the hall by a TK-burst, and Sinister kicked Frank in the stomach. "You DARE interrupt ME !?" Essex bellowed. "I will - " The lights flickered. The roof began to crack. And Sinister was swallowed by blue flame, and lifted out of the complex. "Oh ... MY ... GOD ..." Sean muttered. Frank bolted past him into the lab, his heart torn as Ray struggled to get out of bed. "RAY ! Oh MY GOD what did he DO !?" Frank cried, cradling her and removing her inhibitor collar. Ray hugged him and let him carry her sheet-clad form outside. "We've gotta go - 'Junior's' tepe is what's guiding me through the psi-static, Dad's coming with the X-Men Blue," Ray smiled sadly. She kissed Frank's cheek and added, "Welcome to the family." Frank's jaw dropped as a telepathic call touched his mind from within Ray. ~Da ... ?~ "He's ... oh, Red ... I'm here, I'll NEVER leave you - if he hadn't been conceived like this - it doesn't matter, I love you - GOD I'm sorry -" Frank blurted, crying. "Frank, apologize AFTER we get out of the base, OK ?" Ray smiled weakly. Frank nodded, teke-grabbing Banshee, and the mutants blasted out of the collapsing facility. They met the hovering Blackbird in midair, and Frank flew them inside as blue fire consumed the island. "Oh my stars and garters," Hank whispered, pointing as the hatch closed. The mutants and Moira looked out as a black-clad figure floated in midair, screaming, amidst blue flame. And was slowly, methodically, dismembered, the pieces falling to the ruined island. "Oh yeah - he's pissed," Logan whispered as a second figure became visible through the pillar of magnetic flame. Moira shook her head, sobbing into Sean's shoulder, and Frank and Ray clung to one another. The Blackbird's radio crackled, and Scott answered it with a shaking hand. "X-1, here," he called. "Summers. I have freed your bloodline from Sinister's plague," a Germanic-accented voice replied icily. "Stay out of my way." "Erik - ERIK !?" Moira screamed, grabbing the microphone. "Listen t'me, lad -" "That boy is gone, Moira. I thank you for taking care of me, but I must depart. MY people need me, as I depended on you," the voice replied almost tenderly. Then the pillar contracted into a sphere, and shot into the night sky. "Nae ... we failed, I failed ..." Moira sobbed, hitting the deck as Sean held her. Scott cursed, then turned and hugged Ray to him. "My little girl ... what did Sinister DO ?" he pleaded looking at her. "You're -" "Don't ANY of you blame Frank for this - Sinister would've killed Uncle Sean if we hadn't ... oh God, Daddy, I'm going to have a BABY ..." Ray moaned, letting Scott hug her. Logan looked at Frank with twitching eyes, but Emma levelled her plasma rifle at the Canadian's groin. "Not here, not now," Emma hissed. "LeBeau, get us out of here. We have a council of war to draw together. "MAGNETO LIVES." -------------------------------------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED IN: INVERSE POLARITY: Fires of Tomorrow ... -------------------------------------------------------- end _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at