Strange Attractors 19/20 by Phil Hartman DISCLAIMER: Everyone here is Marvel's, except for Deanna and Danny. Please don't sue. WARNING: Graphic violence, language, and a very disturbing ending ... please be forewarned. -------------------------------------------------------- 12/15/2003: Mass. Acad.: Biosphere: 06:00 hrs EST: -------------------------------------------------------- "You're at it AGAIN ?" Ray sat beside the lagoon in her bikini, watching Frank swim past, and shook her head. "The last day of school, we've handled finals, and you're in here swimming," she smirked. "Typical, Richards." "I gotta stay in shape, Ray - I was lucky the local clubs'd let me swim alone and represent the Academy this quarter," Frank shrugged, climbing out of the lagoon. He kissed her cheek and let her dry him off, reclining on a towel beneath a nearby tree. "You think she's here ?" Frank smirked. Ray rolled her eyes and looked around, then tickled his stomach. "If she's not, her loss. Country mouse the second could use a lesson in loosening up," Ray grinned, kissing Frank. "Naomi's just so - OW !" "Ray - AGGHK !" Frank yelled. He felt his back and pulled out a dart, feeling dizzy. ~Who - Ms. Frost -~ He fell atop the moaning Ray, and giant hands lifted them with unusual gentleness. "You know the drill," Frank heard a voice mock. "Take them to Sinister." -------------------------------------------------------- #Oh mah GOD ...# Naomi "looked" over with a pair of bark-whorls where her eyes would have been if she was in human form. She recognized the eight people moving around, and moaned inwardly as the giant vanished through a teleportal with Frank and Ray slung over either shoulder. #THE MARAUDERS,# the Kentuckian realized. She reverted to human form, shivering slightly despite the warmth and humidity, and cursed herself for being naked. #Fool girl. They'll gut'cha soon as look at ya,# she thought. #Mebbe if ah -# She turned, looking up into teeth and claws, and moaned. "Frost's lettin' her dress code go," Sabretooth chuckled. He swung - - but cursed when vines entangled him. "AIEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!" Naomi ran, screaming blindly, and tried to think as loudly as possible, praying Emma would "hear" her. #ComeonCOMEONSOMEONEANYONE-# She shrieked again when her left arm turned into a spray of blood and bone feet from the biosphere entrance. "DAMNIT!" Scalphunter snarled. "I'm gettin' too old for this crap - Arc ?" "Come here, little girl," Arclight grinned, slamming the ground. Naomi screamed, not from her own pain, but that of the plants which died from the ground being shattered. ~Help us !~ they pleaded. ~Ah will,~ Naomi agreed, turning around with hatred. "HEY, MARAUDORKS ! YA MADE ONE FATAL ERROR, YA HOG-RAPIN' PIECES O' SHIT !" she screamed. "What a quaint image," Riptide grinned, starting to whirl. "What mistake was that ?" "Confrontin' a florokinetic in a terrarium," Naomi slowly grinned. She concentrated, reaching out with her powers, and called, ~Gut 'em, y'all ...~ "Oh for - MY GUNS !?" Scalphunter yelled, slashing at vines with a machete as they tore at his weapon parts. "Not enough light - I am NOT going out like some reject from the Wizard of Oz !" Prism yelled. "Women," Harpoon grunted. He charged a slayspear, taking careful aim - - and Naomi screamed as Harpoon started killing trees. -------------------------------------------------------- Frank awoke, his tongue thick in his mouth, and realized he was spreadeagled and manacled against a metal surface. Naked. "Ray ... ?" he called, feeling an inhibitor collar at his throat. He looked around, seeing Ray similarly trapped across the room, and looked up with hatred at their captor. His hate turned to horror when the being called, "Welcome, Master Richards. I truly regret not paying more attention to your geneline before now, but I intend to rectify that mistake today." "You ... you were in my precog dream (SEE SA Chapter 15 for details) ... where you brainwashed Ray's and my son into - oh GOD no ..." Frank moaned, seeing his captor for the first time clearly. "How gratifying," Sinister smiled. "Then you know how this is going to end." He held up a remote and activated a viewscreen across the room, nodding as Ray looked up as well. "What the FUCK are you doing, Sinister ?" the girl snarled. "Blackmailing you, child," Sinister sneered. The kids cried out to see a badly-hurt Naomi kneeling on the biosphere floor, screaming as trees exploded around her. "STOP IT ! She's a floropath - she feels plants' pain, the backlash'll kill her !" Ray shouted tearfully. "Then all you have to do is mate with Franklin," Sinister shrugged, leaving as the kids were released from their shackles. "I'll leave you to decide. Oh, and do enjoy the in-house movie ... "... it's a killer." -------------------------------------------------------- ~AAIIEGG-~ ~NAOMI !?~ Emma thought, springing out of bed. ~Ms. Frost - Marauders - killin' trees - took Frank and Ray -~ #DAMNIT SEAN MOIRATOMSTEVIESHARONWHERETHEHELLAREYOU !!~ Emma pshouted, dressing quickly. She was nearly overwhelmed by the terror radiating from the students. And the lack of any mental signature from the other instructors. #All right. Fine,# Emma thought, forcing herself to stay calm. #Find the children -# She opened her bedroom door. And forced down a scream when Sharon Friedlander's head rolled into the room. "Y'know, Frosty, we just GOTTA stop meetin' like this," Sabretooth chuckled from the living room. -------------------------------------------------------- Boys' Dorm: -------------------------------------------------------- "UP GUYS NO-" The boys stuck their heads into the hallway, instantly waking up as Tom Corsi's chest erupted in flame. "Come out, come out, wherever you are," Prism giggled, flanking Arclight. "Ooh, boyflesh - " His head exploded under an invisible fist. "MOTHERFUCKERS !!!" Joe screamed, teke-slamming the Marauder against the stairwell wall. Arclight just shook her head and smirked. "Cute, runt. Now, I'm gonna hafta hurt you," Sontag grinned. Her face fell when the other boys poured out of their bedrooms clad in their uniforms. "You, bitch, are NOT getting out of here alive," Nate snarled. "Unless you give us that teleporter ..." "Quaint," Arclight hissed, slamming the floor. "You got the balls, Summers-son ? Or are you gonna squeal like Miss Southern Belle is while Harpoon's blowing up trees -" She screamed when a massive arc of electricity slammed into her head, driving her back out the window. "NAOMIIIII !!" Lew screamed, flying past the others in a gust of wind. #GodaboveletherbeOKplease-# "Girls' dorm," Nate told the others with a stern expression. "We gotta get the team together before we can fight effectively." "But - Mr. Corsi -" Leech whispered as the boys headed downstairs past Tom's corpse. "He died protectin' us, Leech," Nate said, fighting back tears. "Now, we gotta protect ourselves." -------------------------------------------------------- "Nate ... !" #God please let him get them out of this,# Ray prayed, leaning on Frank as they watched the video from the Academy. "We CAN'T be helpless here, damnit !" she yelled, yanking at her collar. She cried out when it gave her an electric shock, and Frank held her. "We're not beat yet," Frank whispered. "Sinister's probably watching our every move - we hafta figure out a way to get out of these collars -" "Interesting camera shot from Frost's cottage," Sinister interrupted. The kids looked up, and Ray shrieked in horror, as Sabretooth kicked Sharon's head out of the way as he lunged for Emma. "Really quite good cinematography," Sinister said, mumbling. The kids looked up in outrage, and saw Essex sitting in a row of chairs above their cell, swallowing something. "Popcorn ?" he asked, offering a carton. -------------------------------------------------------- "You've got to be kidding me," Emma hissed, dodging Creed. #Do NOT think about SHARON DEAR GOD HE DECAPITATED HER-# "Sweets, y'r gonna bleed SO much," Creed grinned. He leapt, screaming as Emma psi-blasted him - - and landed atop her with a sick grin. "Psi-damper," Sabretooth chortled, pointing at his headband. "Now, what part d'you want -" He WHOULFFED when Emma kicked him between the legs and rolled backwards from beneath him. He cursed when she held an energy rifle at his head. "Y'wouldn't ruin y'r good furniture by splatterin' my brains," Creed grinned. A plasma bolt shattered his eye in response. "I'm a telepath. I LIKE grey matter," Emma spat, leaving as Creed fell to the carpet. #Not all over my wall, true ...# -------------------------------------------------------- Girls' Dorm: -------------------------------------------------------- "Comeout, come out, wherever you are ..." #Don't let him hear you,# Nicole told Claudette as "they" teleported behind Riptide, Blockbuster and Vertigo. #It's a little late for that !# Claudette replied from within her sister's skull. They raised their baseball bat high - - but screamed when Blockbuster spun about and grabbed the girl by the throat. He howled when a blonde blur zoomed past, leaving a bloody slash across his left arm. "Looking for THESE, MURDERER !?" a blood-covered Luna screamed, holding the unconscious Nicoletta in her arms. "You - GNYEAAAGH !!?" Riptide screamed as sulfur erupted from between his legs, leaving a bloody hole. "Or are you looking for THESE," Alexa snarled, dropping Quested's genitals at his feet before decapitating him. "You showed as much mercy to my father, bastard - rot in HELL !" "Y-you're nuts - this can't be real - THIS CAN'T BE -" Vertigo screamed, running for the stairs. She hit a very hard object and fell over, looking up at the floor as her head cleared. #What the -# "Mike ? Janos ?" she whispered, looking up at the intact yet twitching male Marauders on the floor near here. "Amazing what telepathy can convince people of," a harsh, French-accented voice sneered behind Vertigo. The mutate turned, terrified, and shrieked when Nicole punched her out. "Sacre mere, that was satisfying," the girl grinned as she and the others headed downstairs. "What'd you put in Blockbuster and Riptide's heads to make them drop like that ?" Deanna asked, bringing up the rear. "Men have one weak spot, Deanna," Nicole replied, waving to the boys as they met them on the quad. Deanna flinched and hugged Joe, and the kids headed for the biosphere. "Hope Lew hasn't done something -" Nate muttered. The top of the biosphere exploded in a titanic cyclone, and Erik cursed. "STAY HERE !" he yelled over the hurricane. #Damnit, Guthrie, come ON - use your magnetic sense as -# He yelled when he landed beside Naomi Guthrie's bleeding body. "Naomi ... ?" he whispered, cradling her. The girl coughed, looking at him, and whispered, "Erik ... fin' Lew ... ah'm brok'n -" CH-CLIK. "Cute, kid," Scalphunter sneered. Erik's eyes glowed, but he felt a gun barrel being placed to his head. "Even twitch, and Blondie here'll have your brains splattered over her," Scalphunter hissed. "Now, get up. We're gonna go 'talk' to your computer." -------------------------------------------------------- "NAOMI !" Lew yelled, pushing the smoke out of the way as he landed. He saw a flash of silver hair and a grey-suited man walking away from the biosphere entrance, and broke into a run at the sight of the naked, bleeding girl they'd left behind. #She cain't be dead come on please -# Lew screamed when a bolt of energy struck his side. "Oh, nice shot, Harpoon," Scrambler taunted, rolling the stunned Kentuckian over. "He looks like the girl - think they're twins ?" "Doesn't matter," Harpoon grunted, hefting a spear overhead. #Ain't gonna die lahk this Luna ah love ya hang on Naomi ...# Lew thought, concentrating. He reached out, and a cloudburst drenched the Marauders. "What the - that's IT, you little punk, now you DIE !" Scrambler yelled. "NOBODY RUINS AN ARMANI-" "F'ck ya," Lew grunted, reaching out with the last of his power. Scrambler and Harpoon screamed when lightning leapt from the boy into the puddle at their feet. They fell, smoldering, and Lew began to drag himself slowly towards his sister. -------------------------------------------------------- "Yes ..." Ray turned with a triumphant, hateful grin towards Sinister and snarled, "You SEE !? They'll waste your sorry-ass clones any day !" "They ARE more resourceful than I'd thought," Sinister admitted, finishing his popcorn. "But that was just the first reel. Wasn't it, Mr. Cassidy ?" Ray and Frank stifled gasps as a chained, costumed Banshee fell, bloody, at Sinister's feet. "Dinnae - GHACK-" Sean croaked as Sinister lifted him by his throat. "Did Moira scream, Sean ?" Sinister smirked. "I wonder if Victor enjoyed his little rut before he gutted Sharon ..." "YOU BASTARD ! STOP IT ! STOP IT RIGHT THE HELL NOW !" Frank roared. "What the FUCK do you WANT !?" A bare mattress lifted out of the cell floor, and Sinister said, "You know what I want. Just take her, Franklin - let him in you, Rachel - and this can all be just a bad memory." "Ye're e'en more obscene than I THOUGHT !?" Sean yelled. "If I e'er get free, I'll -" Sinister threw him to the floor and stood, glaring, as Frank and Ray held each other. "Well ... ?" he demanded. -------------------------------------------------------- Biosphere: -------------------------------------------------------- "Naomi ..." #Keep GOIN' !# Lew told himself, inching across the ground towards his sister. He dragged himself, ignoring the blood coming from his side - - but cried out when a silver boot slammed into his hand. "You little FUCK !" Arclight hissed, digging her heel into the mess which had been Lew's left arm. "I'll -" The boy gaped as her head exploded, and she fell backwards. "Oh m' GOD," Moira whispered, running to help the boy up. "Lewis - !?" "Naomi - f'rget me," Lew pleaded, leaning on Moira as they headed for the girl. Naomi dragged herself up, but cried out as the front hatch exploded. "Get back - I'm WARNIN' YE !" Moira yelled, pushing Lew behind her and levelling her plasma rifle at the figures leaping towards her through the smoke. ~Aunt Moira ?~ Moira and the Guthries relaxed as the surviving Mutants came out of the smoke. "SACRE MERE ! Leong, take Lewis - Naomi, mon ami, what did they DO !?" Nga cried, offering healing to Naomi as she stood. "Shot th' trees - oh NO, Scalphunter !" Naomi cried. "HE TOOK ERIK T' THE CONTROL CENTER !" "Erik ... ?" Moira hissed, her eyes glazing over. "Nathan, get th' others out o'here. I've lost one son already - NAE MORE." She headed for the control booth, trying not to think about Sharon or Tom. #An' Stevie's away f'r the holidays, thank God - but what o' Emma ? Or ...# Sean's face flashed before her, and she shook her head. #Get Erik,# Moira thought. kicking open the door to the control room. She screamed as a plasma blast slammed into her stomach. "Bitch," Scalphunter sneered. He turned to Erik and snarled, "Activate that -" The boy looked at Moira with wide, tearful eyes, and moaned, " ... Mom ... ?" "I SAID - " Scalphunter continued, going pale as the eyes narrowed. "Mutte," Erik snarled. In German. And the room filled with electromagnetic flame. -------------------------------------------------------- "What the - AUNT MOIRA !?" Nate shoved the remaining Mutants out of the biosphere, seeing Moira fall in a flare of energy. She looked up at him and shook her head, calling, "Th' armor suit absorbed th' blast - RUN -" She looked up, seeing something in the control room, and went dead pale. "Nathan," she cried, rising and running as fast as she could, "RUN ! AN' DINNAE LOOK BACK !" Nate shivered at her tone, then saw the EMPulse raging inside the control room. #Not without you,# the boy thought, reaching out telekinetically. He grabbed Moira, dragging her to him and leaping out of the biosphere in one fluid motion. They barely made it to the others before the building exploded in a pillar of blue energy. -------------------------------------------------------- "Oh my GOD -" Emma burst out of her cottage, relieved to sense her students and Moira relatively unhurt, fearful at Frank and Ray's absence - - and horrified at the explosion which consumed the biosphere. #That power signature,# she thought, hitting her knees. #I sensed it once before - at the Manhattan Hellfire Club -# #- when Shaw offered - NO, NOT HIM, HE WAS DEAD, DEAD -# Emma felt the briefest of mindtouches against her own, and the clash of adamantine shields slamming up against her probe. And Scalphunter's flaming body fell at her feet, as a pillar of blue fire rocketed into the sky. -------------------------------------------------------- "ERIK !" Ray's cry made Frank hold her tighter, and Sinister arched an eyebrow as the last camera went out. "Well, THAT was interesting," Essex muttered. "Not really an arthouse piece - but then, I've always appealed more to the intellectuals. You know, the ones with the repressed dark side just screaming to get out." He stood and gazed down at the kids, then barked, "Take her or Cassidy dies. I am NOT joking." "Ray ... I can't ... not like this," Frank moaned. They lay back, and he touched her face gently. "We ... don't have a choice at all," Ray whispered, kissing his brow. "Take me, Frank. It's not the way I dreamed, but then, when is a girl's first time ... ?" "I - Ray ... I'll try to be gentle - oh God, I'm sorry," Frank whispered, not fighting his tears. They entertwined, provoking a horrified moan from Banshee and a wide grin from Sinister. "I'm an artiste, Cassidy, not a pornographer," Sinister chortled. "That doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good show." -------------------------------------------------------- "That little WHORE !" Riptide, Vertigo and Blockbuster stumbled out of the ruins of the girls' dorm and looked around the smoldering campus. "She made me think I'd been fucking CASTRATED !" Quested snarled. "I'm gonna dice -" He screamed when a plasma bolt shattered the ground between his legs. "WHERE. IS. SINISTER ?" Emma snarled. "The next bolt unmans you. Now TALK." "Bite me," Riptide sneered - - before a hand erupted from his chest. "Can't - move -" Vertigo squeaked, falling to the ground. "That's called mass shifting, you little slut," Deanna snarled from where she'd phased her hand around Riptide's heart. "You get my mass, I get to phase into this sorry-ass bastard. And after what you did to Nightcrawler - and my MOTHER - I'm in a mood to kill. Now TELL MS. FROST WHERE SINISTER IS." "Little girl, I'll -" Blockbuster snarled. Before his ears bled, and he fell atop Vertigo. "Damn," Emma winced as the mutate shrieked. "Didn't mean to squish her ..." "No problem," Deanna shrugged, squeezing Riptide. He screamed, then panted, "Tahiti - hidden base - the access code is -" He keeled over, dead, and Deanna cursed. "We were so CLOSE - self-destruct ?" she asked Emma. "Probably," Emma frowned as an X-jet landed. "It's about time !" she yelled as an aghast Cyclops led the way off the plane. -------------------------------------------------------- "Shhh ...." Ray caressed Frank's scrotum, dragging him atop her and stroking his penis gently. "Don't fight me, OK ?" she whispered. "We can't pretend this'll be right, but at least it's you and me ..." "I love you - I'm sorry," Frank moaned. He closed his eyes, and felt Ray wrap her legs around his waist as he entered her. A bolt of flame shot up his spine, and they began to spasm. #This is WRONG just WRONG not like this but it's so good too RAY -# He felt something give within her, and moaned when she cried out. "Don't stop - my hymen - just keep going," Ray muttered, her tongue finding his. They arced one last time, crying out, and Frank withdrew. "Oh my GOD there's blood ... SINISTER !!" the boy howled, cradling Ray weakly. "I can see the mess, Franklin. Just lay back and let me deal with it," Sinister muttered. The kids cried out, coughing, and fell unconscious to the floor. "What've ye DONE !?" Sean demanded, watching as Sinister descended into the gas-filled cell and picked up Ray. "They're just CHILDREN !?" "They're means to an end, Cassidy," Sinister grinned maniacally, cradling the unconscious girl. "Think about it - a Summers-Grey breeding produced a Phoenix Host and Nathan. "What will a Richards-Summers cross - a reality manipulator and the Phoenix Host - create ... ?" Sean went very pale and watched as Sinister left Frank to awaken, moaning. #Dear God, nae ...# -------------------------------------------------------- She awoke, manacled once more atop an exam table, and looked around in fear. "Frank ... ?" Ray whispered. #What's going on it HURTS suck it up girl oh YEAH like THAT'S a good statement right now -# She shrieked when Sinister loomed over her with a smile. "Hello," Essex chuckled. "Now, I've picked up this fascinating piece of equipment - a biotemporal accelerator. It's supposed to boost biological growth incredibly rapidly. And since you've got a wonderfully fertile zygote which has cooperated SO nicely by implanting itself along your uterine wall ..." "That's not possible - it couldn't've gotten out of my Fallopian tube yet - WHAT ARE YOU SAYING !?" Ray cried as Sinister approached her abdomen with two tubes. "I'm saying, even with your active powers restrained, your body is remarkably versatile about biological functions," Sinister grinned. "You're already pregnant." Ray's eyes bulged, and she screamed when Sinister shoved the tubes into either of her sides. "Now, don't struggle, or you risk losing the child," Sinister growled, ignoring the girl's sobs. A dish-shaped object hovered over her, striking her abdomen with a sickly green-grey beam, and fluids flowed from the tubes into her. "Wh ... what - AAH !" Ray cried as her abdomen began to swell. "Incredible. It's like a bad old science fiction movie - 'Night of the Instant Fetus'," Sinister cackled. "In mere minutes, the work of months of gestation ..." "And soon, the WORLD will be mine !" Sinister watched the procedure move ahead, ignoring his perimeter warning flash on a nearby screen. [MASSIVE ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENON EN ROUTE:] [BIOGENETIC IN NATURE:] [CROSS-REFERENCING WITH KNOWN MUTANT BIOSIGNATURES:] -------------------------------------------------------- NEXT: The conclusion: THE MAGNET HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD ... -------------------------------------------------------- end _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at