[Deja News Toolbar] [eBay] ebay [message/thread] Message 19 of 83 for search * help return to search results sponsored by: X-Men: Come the Apocalypse (pt. 21) [eBay] Author: Nathan Summers Date: 1998/02/04 Forum: alt.comics.fan-fiction more headers author posting history [prev] [next] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apocalypse's citadel in Egypt... {Storm}: Our target is directly below. {Cecilia Reyes}: Cut the crap, Storm! {Storm}: Cecilia? {Cecilia}: This whole operation is ludicrous! You and Logan, two of the most powerful X-Men, going up against the Hounds? Any of the others could mop the floor with those losers. And don't give me that experience bull either. {Wolverine}: So... you're on to us. {Cecilia}: Damn straight, I'm-- {Storm}: I do not appreciate your tone. Do not question my actions, Cecilia. I am a senior member of this team. You are not. {Cecilia}: That gives you no right-- {Storm}: Yes, it does. I knew exactly what I was doing when I gave my injunctions. I expect you to follow them. {Cecilia}: You're wasting your efforts! {Storm}: I am wasting my efforts arguing with you. This can be discussed later. You have a job to do now. {Wolverine}: A word to the wise: don't question that lady's better judgment in the future. She's one of the few people I got respect for and that means-- {Cecilia}: Yeah, I got it. {Wolverine}: You'd best. Cannonball (ignoring the previous argument) takes the lead and rockets down from the balcony above. He slams full power into Hemingway ramming him through a wall. Storm glides down after him, stunning the remaining Hounds with her lightning. She commands a swirling wind to carry Wolverine and Cecilia down. {Vessel}: An ambush! Take cover! {Wolverine}: Oh, you mean hide. {Sack}: We Hounds fear no one! {Wolverine}: Prove it. {Vessel}: A crushing energy blast will stop you dead! Storm, preoccupied with Ever, makes no notice of the blast. Cannonball zooms in front of it just in time to stop the blast from hitting her. He is confidant that his kinetic field will protect him. {Cannonball}: YEOW! Still stings a little. {Wolverine}: How'd you get so good at that trick? {Vessel}: I've always been good at it, just never used it much. You see, I have to gather the energy of many souls I've absorbed in order to do it. It used to take a lot out of me. But Apocalypse has provided me with lots of Egyptians so I never go hungry. {Wolverine}: You're sick! {Vessel}: I think another demonstration is in order. {Cecilia}: Look out! {Storm}: Arrgh! {Ever}: See how easily you fall before my mental wrath? The deflected blast unexpectedly hits Ever in the back, knocking him down to his knees. He's more surprised than anything and can't get up for some time. {Wolverine}: Thanks. That probably would've hurt a little. {Cecilia}: Gotta watch out for you old seniors, huh? {Wolverine}: grrrr-- Reyes, behind you! {Cecilia}: Huh? Eww! {Sack}: So I no longer have stealth to my advantage. No matter. {Cecilia}: You're quite a sight, I've gotta hand it to you. But believe me, if you've ever worked in the Bronx... at a hospital... you've seen far worse. Sack reaches out and Cecilia raises her hands in defense. Transparent force beams explode forth from both hands and strike Sack in the upper chest. The beams begin to withdraw and soon surround her body once again as her personal force field. It soon becomes invisible from sight. {Sack}: Ugh... that smarts... {Cecilia}: Wow, I can actually do stuff with this thing! {Wolverine}: You didn't know you could manipulate your force field? {Cecilia}: Not until now. {Wolverine}: Most of 'em know pretty soon. {Cecilia}: If you say so. {Ever}: Have mercy... {Storm}: Would you? {Ever}: Please? A barrage of lightning bolts from Storm's hands, as well as the air simutaneously strike Ever down. {Ever}: ARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!! {Storm}: You will wish I had killed you when you awake. Wolverine rams his claws into Vessel's ribs and twists them around. Energy spews out of the open wound. Vessel's massive fist connects with Wolverine's head, yet he fights on. The other set of claws are jammed into his stomach. {Cecilia}: Oh, man. That's gonna leave a scar. {Cannonball}: 'Scuse me, Mrs. Reyes. Cecilia}: Whoa! Hey! Cecilia ducks down as Cannonball whizzes past her. He's pushing Hemingway in front, using the momentum to keep him steady. He then maneuvers into a sharp angle and is soon flying straight up. Cannnonball then turns around, still flying and comes down spiraling. Upon impact with the ground, a sonic boom is created. {Cecilia}: As soon as my ears stop ringing, I'll examine him. {Cannonball}: Sorry about that. {Cecilia}: I think you got him. Just then, Wolverine puts the finishing touches on Vessel. Though his costume is in tatters, he is successful. {Wolverine}: Nothin' to it. Storm notices a recovering Sack. A lightning blast rectifies this. {Cannonball}: Ah guess we won. {Cecilia}: Of course we did. We had the most powerful members of the team! {Storm}: Allow me to carry us back up to the balcony with Charles and I will explain. Soon... {Cecilia}: So... you wanted to see how the other X-Men performed with no leaders? {Storm}: Correct. The X-Men are not what they used to be. Without guidance, they aren't much at all. Still, they must learn how to survive without leaders. As I once did without powers. {Cecilia}: You really lost your powers once? {Storm}: A long time ago. {Wolverine}: An' she led the team through some of its biggest battles. {Cecilia}: I find that... very interesting. {Storm}: Someday, I will tell you the story. {Xavier}: Without Cyclops, or myself, Ororo led this team into conflict after conflict. She has proven herself to be a shining member of the X-Men. I sincerely hope that Scott keeps you as field leader, Storm. {Cecilia}: How's he doing, anyway? {Xavier}: Recovering well, it seems. I can only guess that Jean has turned his pain receptors down a tone. {Wolverine}: Don't let it fool ya.' Scotty's always been a fighter. {Cecilia}: One of the few people you respect? {Wolverine}: Yep. Don't tell him I said so. {Cecilia}: So... it's just coincidence that you wanted to test the others and happened to have the most experience with the Hounds at the same time? {Wolverine}: Yep. {Xavier}: I believe it is about time to meet with the others at the rendezvous point. {Storm}: Indeed. We will see if they passed the "test." Elsewhere... {Ozymandias}: It is done. The operation was successful. {Apocalypse}: Good. Tell me more. {Ozymandias}: Joseph's mind has been completely reincorporated into Magneto's. The rest is up to you. {Apocalypse}: And what of this "Joseph?" {Ozymandias}: Nothing more than an empty shell. {Apocalypse}: Very good. You are free to go as you please. {Ozymandias}: May I be so bold as to ask you a question. {Apocalypse}: Quickly, please. {Ozymandias}: Why incorporate Joseph's memories into Magneto's? Why not the other way around? Would it not be better to have a strong, young warrior to lead your army? {Apocalypse}: I see where you are coming from. You see, I will want Magneto's memories of the War to be very prominent. Joseph is too young to have experienced this. He would know and eventually discover the truth. This way is most necessary. {Ozymandias}: I see. {Apocalypse}: You are free to go now, Rameses. {Ozymandias}: Rameses? You said that name was forever lost when you took over as Pharaoh. {Apocalypse}: True, when I was king, you could no longer bear that title. But I am much more than king now. You may once again be Rameses the Second, Pharaoh of Egypt. {Ozymandias}: Thank you, m'lord. As Ozymandias (or should that be Rameses the Second?) departs, he has some strange thoughts. {Ozymandias}: (Thinking) is it possible? If I am Pharaoh once more, than Apocalypse has evolved beyond that. Has he reached the final ascension? Has he become... a Celestial? Has he indeed?!? Be be continued next Wednesday at A.C.F.F.! --Nate ------------------------------------------------------------------------ view for mail this message to a post reply << prev · next >> bookmarking friend text only Sponsored by ComputerLiteracy.com subscribe to alt.comics.fan-fiction SPONSORED LINKS Auctions & Classifieds · Yellow Pages · Compare hardware prices! · 5¢ long distance Great Deals at uBid! · Shopping · Free Stuff · Trade with Datek · GET IT NOW @ NECX Home · Communities · My Deja News · Power Search · Post About Deja News · Ad Info · Our Advertisers --------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1995-99 Deja News, Inc. All rights reserved. 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