X-Men: Come the Apocalypse (pt. 18) Author: Nathan Summers Date: 1998/01/14 Forum: alt.comics.fan-fiction {Bishop}: What cowards... {Aurora}: Indeed. Bishop raises an eyebrow to Aurora who's smirking, evidently making fun of him. Neither of them knew their next course of action, but it definitely involved finding Magneto and Deathbird, not to mention the other X-Men. {Bishop}: We're really stuck this time. Magneto knew where everyone was and how we were to go about rescuing them. Only he hasn't shown up yet! {Aurora}: You're right. He should've showed by now. Looks like we're on our own. {Bishop}: I don't want to risk wondering through here blind. We know nothing about this place. And yet, we can't remain here and wait for another attack. {Aurora}: Well... maybe the others know something. {Bishop}: How are they doing? {Aurora}: Coming to their senses slowly. {Bishop}: Perhaps it is indeed best to just wait. Elsewhere in the same complex... {Iceman}: I'll never forget the look on McCoy's face when he saw Cyclops-- and then the entire team mounted against him! {Beast}: Yes Bobby, it is an expression I won't soon forget. {Cyclops}: Still, we need to be prepared. {Storm}: Cyclops is correct. {Iceman}: Ummm, then why are we just running around? {Wolverine}: We've gotta get clear of them, kid. {Phoenix}: Logan, I'm sure this is the last thing you want to hear, but I'm still concerned. You took a major beating and-- {Wolverine}: I won't lie, I feel like hell. It would be real easy for me to just stop and pass out. But, see I don't really have much of a desire to die. If I rest or pass out, the Dark Riders will have me in no time. I've got a healing factor, so I'll just keep going and let it do its work. {Phoenix}: Makes sense. {Storm}: Actually, Logan, it would be alright for us to stop now. {Wolverine}: I sure hope you've got a plan. {Storm}: I do. I recall seeing a man in red armor fighting the Horsemen after we were defeated. If I didn't know better, I would say he was Eric the Red. {Angel}: Storm... are you sure? We were all kind of out of it at the time. {Wolverine}: No... 'Ro's right, I saw him too. {Rogue}: Eric the Red? As in the Eric the Red that held me, Remy, Hank, Angel, Psylocke, Maggot, and Joseph prisoner? {Storm}: That would be my most likely guess. {Havok}: What have you got planned? {Storm}: I wish to find this man. Jean, use your powers like a form of radar... scan around and get a lock on him when he is found. Can you do this? {Phoenix}: I don't see why not. Jean's fingertips go to her temples and she concentrates deeply. The others watch eagerly as her trance continues. {Phoenix}: Oh! {Gambit}: What is it, chere? {Phoenix}: Strange... didn't expect to find... Bishop. {Iceman}: Our Bishop!?! {Phoenix}: Yes. {Cyclops}: Did you get a fix on him. {Phoenix}: Sure did. {Angel}: I think we know where we're headed. Elsewhere yet again... {Apocalypse}: How goes the procedure? {Ozymandias}: Not well, I am afraid. {Apocalypse}: Oh? {Ozymandias}: I've run every test possible. All say the same thing. No catalyst can physically force Magneto and "Joseph" to be re-integrated. It simply can't be done. In fact, these same tests point to no similarity other than power, though not intensity, between these two individuals at all. Frankly, I'm not sure what this Joseph is. {Apocalypse}: Odd. If they cannot be put back together, I want Joseph's memories put into Magneto's mind. That shouldn't prove too difficult. {Ozymandias}: True. But why? {Apocalypse}: Because Joseph is basically the personifacation of the first twenty years of Magneto's life. He needs these memories in order to work properly for me. {Ozymandias}: Yes, but his computers have provided him with this information. {Apocalypse}: Erase that vauge recollection and replace it with Joseph's natural memories of those events. I shall handle the rest. {Ozymandias}: Is there a reason you wish for him to be your heir? {Apocalypse}: If anything should happen to me I will need an appropriate beneficiary. Magneto will do nicely. It is a simple matter to bend him to my will. {Ozymandias}: But what good will he be to you while you still live? {Apocalypse}: He shall lead the Hounds as I lead the Horsemen and you lead the Dark Riders. {Ozymandias}: Ah, I see now. I will resume my work immediately. Back where we started... {Bishop}: I've got it! It was so simple... why didn't I think of this before? Caliban, your ability is to detect other mutants? {Caliban}: Uh huh. {Bishop}: There you go. Problem solved. {Aurora}: I guess you're right. Hold it-- there's someone here! {Phoenix}: He should be right around here. {Storm}: Angel, scout up ahead. {Angel}: No problem. Just as Angel takes to the air gracefully, he is blasted clean to the ground. {Angel}: Ugh! {Havok}: An energy blast! I'm powering up. {Phoenix}: No... wait. {Cyclops}: Alex, look out! Another blast flies past Alex's head as Cyclops tackles him out of the way. Jean sends out a thought projection to Bishop. {Phoenix}: {Bishop}: What the--? {Aurora}: So what's going on? {Bishop}: It's Jean. She says she's here with the others. {Aurora}: Then come on! {Storm}: There! He's coming out into the open. Goddess, it is Bishop! {Bishop}: It-it's really you. I thought I'd never get home. Mainframe was right. Rogue, Gambit, Beast you're alive. I saw Joseph, but I didn't know-- {Storm}: I am afraid this is no time to rejoice. We must plan for our major attack. {Bishop}: You're right, of course. {Storm}: Everyone will be needed. I count Cannonball, Nathan, Domino, Maggott, Cable, Cecilia, and Caliban. {Voice}: Forgetting someone? {Storm}: Charles! We heard that you were abducted from your cell. {Xavier}: I was. But I was drugged at the time, so I have no idea who it was. Apocalypse, I assume. {Storm}: It is good to see you again. {Wolverine}: Hmph. "No time for rejoicing." {Xavier}: Logan is right. Storm, I believe you were going over a battle plan. {Storm}: Ah, yes. That's seven of you, excluding Charles. Does anyone know what happened to Joseph? {Bishop}: Aurora and I were attacked by Apocalypse. I freed Joseph so he could help us. Then the Hounds showed up. Aurora and I did our best to hold them off while Joseph freed the others. The Hounds retreated but teleported Joseph with them. {Storm}: I see. In that case, he cannot help us. Now, what next... Cyclops, Gambit, Beast, Iceman, Psylocke, Wolverine, Phoenix, Havok, Angel, Rogue... good. All of my comrades are present. Then we have Bishop and Aurora as well. {Gambit}: So what's de plan, Stormy? {Storm}: Our adversaries are the Hounds, Dark Riders, and Horsemen. The Hounds are actually the former Gene Nation-- Sack, Vessel, Hemingway, and Ever. The Dark Riders are led by Post and consist of McCoy, Fatale, Random, Hazard, Blob, Mimic, Moses Magnum, and Jacknife. As for the Horsemen-- Exodus, now War; Famine, once Selene; Death, formerly Holocaust, and Pestilence. There is twenty of us and seventeen of them. {Cyclops}: I think I know what you're getting at. {Storm}: You will be paired against opponents with whom you have had the most experience with or are most suitable to fight. We will begin with the Dark Riders. Cyclops, Iceman, Wolverine, and myself have had the most exposure to Post. Wolverine and I won't be battling the Dark Riders at all and Cyclops will be facing someone else. {Iceman}: Guess that leaves me. {Storm}: Have confidance, Robert. {Iceman}: Hey, I know what I've gotta do. {Storm}: As for McCoy, it would seem logical to pair him against Beast. However, I have another for Hank to battle so that leaves us with Havok. I select you, Alex, becasue you can take him down swiftly. {Havok}: Right. We wouldn't want him pulling any fast ones if he isn't taken down quick. {Storm}: Correct. Next is Fatale. {Beast}: This is the other that you had in mind for me, correct? {Storm}: No. You have had exposure to her, but Bishop has moreso. {Bishop}: I see. {Beast}: Then who does that leave me with? {Storm}: You will face Random. {Beast}: Pardon? {Storm}: His consistancy will break up after wearing himself down, I'm sure. You will be able to accomplish this best. {Beast}: I see. (Smiling.) {Storm}: Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Gambit, and Beast have had experience with Hazard. I metioned that Logan and I will be elsewhere, so will Cyclops, and Beast already has an opponent. {Rogue}: So ah'm the lucky gal. No problem, Storm. {Storm}: Thank you, Rogue. In the case of Mimic, it is best that someone with no experience with him, takes him down. Aurora, can you handle it? {Aurora}: S-sure. {Storm}: Good. Next is Blob. Most of us are familiar with him with the exception of a few. I have selected Domino since every other person that's faced him will not be available. {Domino}: What?!? {Storm}: You have stopped him before. {Domino}: Yeah, with a little help. {Storm}: You cannot handle him alone? {Domino}: Maybe with weapons! {Cable}: Dom, you're a mutant, you need to depend on your skills more. You've got a good power too. One that ensures you'll probably win. Not to mention you're a trained mercenary. And still, you've a hand gun if you absolutely need it. {Domino}: I'm sure I will. {Cable}: See, you're pretty resourceful. {Storm}: Thank you, Nathan. {Cable}: Welcome. {X-Man}: Oh, I'm sure Jacknife is saved for me. {Storm}: Nate, you're the only one with any real exposure to him. We have no other choice. {X-Man}: Apocalypse is my mortal enemy. I was born to kill him. Literally. But, I understand. You're right. I don't think anyone else could really put Jack out like I can. The entire battle could be lost if someone with no experience faces him. Then we'd all be skrewed. {Storm}: I am glad you see it my way. Cyclops, Logan and I are the only ones present who have faced Moses Magnum. Gambit battled him briefly when we first went up against the Dark Riders. He is immensely powerful. It will take the combined efforts of Gambit and Cyclops to defeat him. {Gambit}: Well, you heard de lady. {Cyclops}: Sure did. {Storm}: That covers the Dark Riders. Now, for the Hounds. Logan, Samuel and I have had the most exposure to Gene Nation. However, there are four of them. We will need help from someone else. Cecilia, I do not feel you are ready to face the likes of the Horsemen. {Cecilia}: Got that right. {Storm}: I want you to help us. We will determine who faces who later. This now brings us to Horsemen. Of those of you remaining, Cable is the only one with experience against Exodus/War. Nathan, I also feel that you have enough power and skill to bring him down. {Cable}: As long as I want to win, I can win. {Storm}: Angel, Jean-- you are good choices for Selene/Famine. Jean's powers and Angel's stealth should bring her down. Caliban, you are incredibly strong. Much like Pestilence. Whoever he once was, we've obviously never faced. You are as good a choice as any. And I tell you, do not hold back! Attack with everything you have. {Caliban}: But... Caliban could kill him. {Storm}: I realize that, but if that is what it comes to in order to win this war, then we must simply deal with it. Last, is Holocaust/Death. Psylocke, with your new abilities, you are a formidable foe. But Maggott will be the one to weaken him the most. His... slugs alone nearly killed him when we were attacked by him a week ago.* This will provide Psylocke with the oppurtunity to finish him off. {Psylocke}: I understand what I must do. {Storm}: Good. I trust you all do. We have spent enough time. You know your instructions, so get to it! * That's a few months to us! Well, that concludes this week's installment! Part nineteen will be on A.C.F.F. next Wednesday! --Nate/Tim