Review: "The Body Snatcher" by Alara Rogers reviewed by Chris Delaney ( Hello Everybody, As you all probably know by now, Alara Rogers has written a very hard edged piece of fiction called "The Body Snatcher". In Chapter I (The Fall of the Tower) Alara sets the scene for what is clearly going to be a lengthy work (I get a length of 272 K for the first chapter which is long for many fan-fiction series!). Clearly this is an ambitious work, but this is Alara so I have great confidence in her ability to get away with it. So let me see what I can say without giving too much of the plot away . . . well, I'm going to have to spoil a bit to comment BUT I'll keep it to a mimimum. Still, if this greatly bothers you, you know not to read further! I should also mention that this story contains scenes of graphic violence and explicit sexual situations. They are introduced mindfully (as opposed to gratitously) but be warned if this stuff greatly bothers you. Well, the first thing that I can say is that it was a vcery brutually impacting story. Alara plumbs the depths of psychological torture in a very graphic manner and so I can see why she has hesitated about putting it up on a general distribution list. Some of the scenes are shocking, some are degrading and the overall impact is to make you really dislike the antagonist (Lisa -- the Body Snatcher). The writing itself is of very high caliber. The sentence structure, grammer and spelling are all good enough that I didn't notice any errors the first time through. The highlight of Alara's style is her attention to detail. Her ability to bring the small details to life tends to drag the reader deep into the story and make the horror of the situation all the more visceral -- especially considering how things begin on such a mundane note. Even small points, like gender pronouns, become weapons that she uses to drive home just how strange, unsettling and just plain evil the situation is. The other very strong point is how Alara has clearly thought out Mangeto's continiuty very clearly. She takes a great deal of care to recouncile episodes in his (admittedly fractured) continiuty with the reactions that Magneto shows to this loathsome situation. She creates a picture of a tough and proud Magneto who still hasn't forgotten how to survive in a death camp -- an aspect of his character that is rarely explored and thus gives her much fertile ground to define him. Throughout the story, the reader is compelled to share Magneto's growing desperation with his situation and to realize just how unendurable the situation is. Despite his slow breaking, one is compelled to ask if anyone could have done better under the circumstances. The inspiring thing, though, is that Magneto never entirely gives into despair and eventually brains and cleverness win out. Of course, the dileema posed by not wanting to kill his own body does seriouly work against Magneto and it is interesting to watch him try to deal with the situation in a way that doesn't result in killing his own body. I had a very minor nitpick early on (about Magneto's tampering with a circuit threatening to electrocute people -- which seems impossible given what we know about power grids and what we know about his powers). But it's a measure of just how good the story is that I have to include this sort of thing as my downside of the story. The Body Snatcher is a truely loathsome individual -- the sort that should never be allowed anywhere near power. There are some attempts to define just what created this twisted psyche and one can only hope that there are more clues coming in later episodes. The character does play strongly against type for an X-Men story as there are very few shades of grey painted here. A difficult life does not justify what Lisa has chosen to do with her powers or make her sadism acceptable. To be honest, it is a thoughtful and compelling character study and it delves deeply into questions of identity and limits (at what point does a person crack?). I am VERY MUCH looking forward to seeing the second chapter of this story. Overall Rating: A+