-------- The Enemy of My Enemy By Deborah J. Brown Characters 'acquired' from Gatchaman *You cannot escape your past, my kitten. Return to me and all will be forgiven.* *** Joe was getting mad. Since this was a frequent state of affairs for him, however, Nanbu ignored the young man's increased breath-rate and whitening cheeks. It wasn't until the second member of the Gatchaman team slammed his hand into the wall, cracking the plaster and bending the steel beneath that the professor stopped his explanations. "Joe," he sighed. "I do *not * want to do this!" Joe's voice was hard and tense. "Damnit, Nanbu, she helped Raphael make me into this monstrosity." His dark eyes moved to look at the tall, slender, woman sitting across from him, hands quiet in her lap, white-blonde hair falling forward to mask her handsome features. The arrogant expression she usually wore was gone but Joe knew that it was simply being masked. *To think I could ever be attracted to an ice princess like her*, he thought, recalling the one time he'd tried - partly in an effort to prove himself no less a man - to gain her attention. Nanbu glanced at the woman briefly. "Joe, Dr. Valg must have the drug. She has to go with you. As for your being a monstrosity - that's an opinion not shared by anyone else." "If it is any consolation, Joe," the doctor added in her soft, surprisingly deep, voice "I don't want *your* company either." Blue eyes raised to look at the young man intently from behind thick glasses. "Raphael didn't rebuild you so you could throw your life away on something as banal as this." Cooly, Nanbu added, "I don't call a drug that keeps you from going insane banal, doctor. You were kind enough to warn me you were going after it. Now allow me to send protection with you to make sure you return." Something about Nanbu's tone made Joe look up. The professor's eyes were harder than they ought to be, considering his expressed concern for Dr. Valg. It occurred the young man that Nanbu was sending him as much to keep an eye on Valg as to protect her. But why? It was the doctor who answered that question. In rueful tones she murmured, "You still do not trust me." A soft chuckle escaped her lips. "No surprise that, considering I used to work for Galactor, just as Raphael did." She looked at Joe, seeing the surprise and distaste on the younger man's face and she sighed regretfully. "Soosal X was a very... persuasive... employer. At the time I truly believed what I did was right. Now..." she shook her head. "Now I'm not as certain." "Not as certain?" Joe exclaimed and Valg flinched. "Soosal X and Berg Katse were the most evil beings ever to threaten Earth. How can you say that?" Now, at least, he was glad nothing had happened between them. He didn't want *anything* to do with a Galactor agent, even one as attractive as Valg. The blue eyes turned away. "Perhaps I should rephrase that. I am no longer certain at all. But neither am I able to tell what is right." She looked up at Nanbu. "I have simply traded one master for another - and now that Raphael's gone - a third." Her tone was bleak and for a moment Joe felt a surge of pity, but he pushed it back hurriedly. He'd been fooled too many times. Valg wasn't going to trick him that way. "I accepted Valg's help because Raphael did," Nanbu explained. "But that does not mean she has been entirely trusted." He gave Joe a significant look. "Yet, despite her past, she *has* been of use to us. Considering how badly she needs that drug, I am willing to let her retrieve more of it from one of the old Galactor bases, but only if someone goes with her. If you refuse I shall have to find someone else." Joe looked up at Nanbu and sighed. "All right. I'll do it." If nothing else he might be able to kill any Galactors remaining after Soosai X's last attempt to destroy Earth. *** She stares up at a sky so blue that it would bleed cobalt if you cut it, numb and too shattered to understand why she is alive at all. She should not be. Her life ended when her God deserted her. Bereft, devastated by the revelation of her God's betrayal, she can feel nothing, not even the fear that has haunted her all her life. A thought occurs to her. *I should be dead. Even if I didn't fall... I should be dead and the Earth with me.* "Why am I alive?" A voice speaks, "You have a choice. I saved you to give you a choice." It is an older man's voice, familiar but unrecognizable and she looks at the speaker. He is robed, with grey hair and blue eyes as piercing as those of the eagle on his shoulder. Dimly she remembers talons, grasping her shoulders - carrying her upwards from a fall that should have destroyed her. She repeats his last word, "Choice?" and he smiles. "Yes, little one. A choice. You may continue along the path you chose, end your life and suffering... or you may take vengeance on the one who has injured you." His eyes turn serious. "If you choose the latter I will help you. As for the former, you know how to die." Her blue eyes turn back to the sky. It would be so easy, to finish herself, to end an existence that has consisted of pain and fear. Always she has chosen the easy way, trying to avoid the blows life has dealt her, seldom standing up to the one who commanded her. Now, however, a surge of anger rises. *How dare he use me so. How dare he create me and cast me aside like a broken toy. He lied to me. All my life he has *lied* to me.* A smile that others would recognize and fear crosses her beautiful features. "Vengeance..." she whispers. "Yes. Oh yes." *** The old fashioned sportscar raced through the tight turns of the mountain road, barely acknowledging the existence of gravity, much less the laws of physics. Sitting beside Joe, Kay Valg wondered aloud why Galactor had bothered trying to kill him, considering how hard he seemed to be trying to blow himself up. She tried to keep her tone light, but it trembled too much, to her own chagrin. A tight grin was Joe's only answer. It was obvious to Valg that he knew he was frightening her and wasn't particularly sorry. A part of him still loathed the cybernetics experts who'd given him a body that - while incredibly powerful - was no longer human. That Raphael's doing so had saved his life was not enough for Joe. He still thought of himself as a machine and hated those responsible for his condition. With Raphael dead his former assistant was the only one left to turn that hatred on. It didn't help that Valg had rejected his efforts at friendship, soon after his resurrection, when he was at his most vulnerable. *You wouldn't have wanted me, Joe. You were just looking for comfort and I can't even help myself there.* A particularly energetic sidesweep around a curve caused Valg to wince and turn pale. "Please... Joe. I'm going to be sick..." She hated herself for the weakness than made her admit that much, especially to this man, but it was nothing but the truth. Worry over what was coming had made her appetite - never the best since she'd left Galactor - sparse to the point of anorexic. She was paying for that now, with a stomach filled with acid and nothing else. "You throw up in here and *you're* cleaning it up." Joe's unsympathetic reply made Valg groan. This was all she needed - to be escorted to a Galactor base by Mr. Attitude himself. The worse thing was, of all of the Science Ninja Team, Joe was the one she liked best. Of them all, his bitter rage was something she could understand - having lived with much the same for all her life As for the others... Ken was a priggish stick in the mud, Jun equally so and Ryu not bright enough for her to connect with. As for Jinpei... He was a likeable brat but teenagers were - by nature - obnoxious as hell. A faint bitter smile crossed Valg's lips as she recalled just how obnoxious *she* had probably been - although she'd had reason. The thought slipped off quickly as another turn made sour liquid rise in her throat. Fear shuddered through her and she could feel her body shifting to deal with that terror, to give itself the strength it thought she needed. *** "Joe, I'm not interested. Please leave me alone." Kay Valg sighs in annoyance as her patient leans over the railing of the exercise bars and smiles down at her. He has been told that Raphael has given him cybernetics and has only recently accepted it. Now he tries to prove his sexuality - and more importantly his humanity - by flirting with the doctor's beautiful assistant. Unfortunately, Kay Valg is a cold woman with no interest in Joe except as a patient. She has ignored his attentions until they are impossible to overlook and now, in cold tones, she tells him that she wishes no such relationship. She lies but she would not have him know that. Joe stares down at the woman, hurt and not seeing the pain in the back of her eyes. She has nursed him through his long and painful recovery and she does *not* dislike him. But her secret is such that she dares not share it with him and she would rather he hated her for refusing him then for other reasons. "Now, shall we get back to work?" The cold tones are like ice-water on Joe's libido. With an equally cold voice, he agrees. There is much to do before he can return to his friends - if he returns to them at all. *** "I told you I'd make you clean up." Joe glared down at Valg, who was on her hands and knees, carefully wiping away the last of her recent stomach upset. "Can't you control yourself better than this?" He didn't know why, but the sight of her meekly obedient to his orders only strengthened his urge to hector her. Back at the base she'd *never* have remained silent so long. She had a reputation for a tongue sharper than the scalpels she wielded in the operating room. Blue eyes raised, flashing momentarily, then Valg returned to her task. "Yes, you did," she agreed quietly. "And I believe that's what I'm doing." Distastefully she set the napkin she held aside and picked up another, clean one. "I had no idea you were such a wimp. I think I'll get a plastic bag and tie it to your face..." Before Joe could finish Valg was on her feet and glaring down at him. *I keep forgetting how dadblamed >tall< she is*, he thought, taking an involuntary step back, more from surprise at the fury on Valg's chisled features than from fear. Icily, in strangely familiar tones, Valg growled, "Condor Joe, did someone turn your jerk knob up to 11?" As Joe's mouth worked in surprise she added, "Or did Raphael forget to put in that politeness circuit I suggested!" She spun, blonde hair flying around her shoulders and stalked down the mountain road, body radiating anger. It took Joe several moments before he could respond. Valg's references to his cybernetics he considered a low blow and he felt a distinct urge to slap the woman. Only the fact that she had moved far faster than he'd expected prevented him from doing so. She was twenty feet away and almost around the corner when he shouted, "Get back here you..." "I don't think so. I am *not* going to ride around with a maniac whose express purpose is killing me." Valg turned slightly, long enough to look back at Joe. "Especially not a maniac with the sensitivity of a rock in an iceberg! You can damn well go to hell!" She flipped him off before disappearing beyond the cliff side. Stung and furious, Joe raced after her, catching up quickly. "Hold on!" he growled, reaching out to catch her shoulder and snagging a long strand of hair. *That'll do it*, he decided and pulled, dragging her backwards and toward him, eliciting a sharp cry of pain. "*You're* a fine one to be talking about sensitivity!" "You.... you..." Valg's voice cracked briefly, dropping to a surprisingly deep baritone, and her entire body convulsed forward as she dropped to her knees. For a moment Joe hesitated, while she gasped. Then, before he could react, she spun, screeching curses that left Joe stunned at her speed and proficiency. Her hand lashed out and cracked Joe across the elbow. The blow couldn't hurt his cybernetic frame but it was carefully aimed for what passed for his funny bone. The pain from Valg's blow pushed Joe into a fury. He grabbed at her, shaking her by bony, hard muscled shoulders and felt her slide her foot between his legs. Expecting a crotch shot, he started to block and was surprised when she planted her heel into his instep instead. He kept enough control on the situation, however, to maintain his grip, so that when he fell it was forward and on top of Valg. It took several seconds of laying across Valg's thin body for Joe to realize something was wrong. Then he gasped, "You're a man!" Valg glared at him. "There are those who might debate that," she... *he* said. "And what does it matter to *you* anyway?" A thought flashed through Joe's mind only to be dismissed. *He couldn't be. Raphael would have known...* But there was a resemblance, now that he thought about it. *Nanbu would know too...* And if he had known and wanted Valg watched for that very reason? *Surely he'd have told me*. Joe shook off his fears, pushing himself up. It just wasn't possible. Never the less, the doubt had been planted and he gazed at the man who was slowly sitting up beside him. "Why?" he asked, peering at Valg, trying to see how he could have mistaken him for a woman. It was the make-up, he decided. She - no, *he* - wore a bit more than most women and though the effect was subtle it was powerful. Too, his every gesture was feminine. Valg looked at Joe for a long moment. "Haven't you ever heard of transvestism?" he asked finally. At Joe's stunned nod he shrugged. "So, I have a mental problem... A number of them." He rose to his feet. "Now, are you quite done displaying your machismo? If so, I'd like to get moving. Time is running out." His blue eyes narrowed. "Unless, of course, you intend to continue driving like you have been. I am *not* going to be made ill again because *you* can't control your feet, *or* your testosterone level." Joe rose to his feet. "All right," he agreed. The shock of discovering the truth about Valg has knocked all thought of harassing the scientist out of his mind. *** The years pass and the Science Ninja Team continues its battle with Soosai X and his newest servant - Gel Sadra. Kay finds herself wondering if she had looked so foolish when she had been Soosai X's loyal slave. Certainly her costume wasn't nearly so hilarious as Sadra's. It is almost in her to feel sorry for the girl, who is so clearly another one X had twisted into usefulness, but she has yet to find the ability to care for anything but the need for vengeance that she and Raphael share. Strangely, it is that very need that tempers her. She'd spent her childhood on the run, constantly forced into new identities and always losing those who might have cared for her until she learned that she was the only one to depend on and the only way to get what she wanted or needed was to take it. It was - after all - the lesson Soosai X wanted her to learn and she proved an exceptional scholar. By fifteen she'd found a place in Galactor and in less than three years had risen to leadership in its ranks, her brilliant mind and towering need to be nobody's plaything again driving her to the top. Yet in those years she has yet to learn patience. Now, under Raphael's tutelage, she learns the forbearance she failed to learn as a child. He has lost much to Soosai X. His pregnant wife was taken away from him and he never saw her again. His homeland was taken over by Galactor and he was forced to serve their interests. He has spent every day of his life plotting revenge, working quietly - behind the scenes at first and then openly - against Soosai X's plans. "Vengeance is best served cold," he tells her. "Wait until your enemy does not expect you, then strike." In subtle ways he also teaches her a kind of rough compassion. It's her job to help the cyborgs he creates accustom themselves to their new bodies and though at first she has little use or sympathy for their weakness, their fears of their freakishness strikes a chord in her. After all, her own peculiarities are the root of her own unhappiness and now, having learned that her mutation was not - as Soosai X had claimed - a gift from her loving God to prove her place as the leader of humanity, she does not have even that crutch to fall back on. She cannot share the source of her misery with her patients but she can understand theirs better. Slowly she takes the first steps back from the madness her master had inflicted on her. *** Dusty wind blew in Valg's face as he stared into the rearview mirror at his face. His expression, he was pleased to note, showed nothing of the inner turmoil that Joe's discovery had inflicted. It'd been close - far too close. Had Joe not been absolutely certain that Berg Katse had died in the volcano he'd leaped into he *would* have guessed and *that* would ruin Valg's plans. He needed Joe to be at least semi-cooperative and knowing who Valg had been was almost certain to prevent that. Another part of Valg's mind was still enraged at Joe's behaviour. *He doesn't have to be such an >assholetrust< him*. Joe looked at Valg and reflected that it was no wonder the doctor had pulled off the act. Valg's features seemed full and soft - no doubt due to the makeup. He even seemed to have breasts - admittedly not large - pressing against the soft fabric of his full blouse. Forcing his eyes back on the road, Joe noted that they were getting close to the site of the Galactor base. Since Valg was the only one who knew how to get into the place, it was time to wake him. Joe pulled over to the side and leaned over to touch the doctor's shoulder, feeling the softness beneath the silky fabric. Then blue eyes opened and a sweet smile curved Valg's lips momentarily. "Ja...," he said, in a softer, throatier, voice than he had been using, a voice that seemed oddly familiar. Then - coming to himself - he straightened. "Joe. Are we here?" Joe nodded, returning to his side of the car and removing the keys. The thoughts running through his head were confused and he didn't want to believe what he was almost certain of now. There have been far too many clues, all spaced out from each other and subtle enough that he'd been missing them at first. But he couldn't deny what the touch of his hand had proved. An hour ago Valg's shoulder had been as hard and strong as a man's. Now it seemed softer, more womanly. It could have been merely the result of Valg's relaxing in sleep but that - combined with the other clues - was enough to fire his suspicions. *But if it >is< Katse what is he planning and does Nanbu know?* He got out of the car and walked around to Valg's side. There was only one way to prove his suspicions. As Valg opened his door and started to rise, Joe reached out and grabbed the long fingered hand, pulling the doctor out and onto his feet. The gesture was done at enough speed that Valg was thrown off balance. He stumbled forward and into Joe who automatically wrapped an arm around the doctor's waist. *Damn!* he thought. *I was >rightwon't< be amused*. Of course, what amused Soosai X usually involved pain and humiliation, something she intended to avoid at all costs. Joe managed to squeeze the word "Bastard..." from between his paralyzed lips. At least that's what it sounded like. His numbed vocal chords made his words incomprehensible and Valg grinned. There'd been a time when she would have loved having him in this position and in complete control of that energetic mouth of his. For now, however... With her thumb she turned down the control mechanism in her ring, allowing him just enough freedom to talk. It was a freedom he made complete use of - cussing her out in several different languages and using words that would have left his teammate - Jun - blazing like a lighthouse with embarrassment. Valg, however, had grown up with language like this and she barely paid attention as she found the latch to the secret door into the old Galactor Base. She nodded occasionally, however, agreeably and corrected his wording when he forgot and called her by a masculine insult. "At least remember which gender I am right now," she told him, using her foot to push the door open. "I'm in female cycle. It's only when I'm scared... or need more strength... that I go male." She wasn't sure why she was sharing that with him, other than the fact that bantering was a way to avoid thinking about what was coming. Beyond the door was an elevator that she knew would carry them to the center of the base. It wasn't very big, having been intended for use as an escape hatch for herself back in the bad old days of her rule over Galactor. She sniffed. The air was stale and dry. Obviously the conditioners were off-line, a state of affairs which told her much about Soosai X's current circumstances. Balancing on one leg she pushed the door shut, then set Joe down. "*My* elelator," she told him in a babyish voice, "not your elelator. *I* push de button!" Joe stared at her as she'd gone stark mad - *which I probably have* - and she reached over his head and flipped the switch. "Close your eyes or hold onto your hat, sweetheart, this ride's gonna be a doozy." She grabbed onto the handholds that hung from the wall as the world dropped out from under them. *** Joe gasped in shock, feeling his stomach do a backflip. The elevator was spinning wildly, and brilliant images were being flashed on the walls. He was pretty sure he saw one of the monsters from Doom, as well as a tyranasaurous rex. He moaned and clenched his teeth against nausea. This wasn't an elevator, it was an out of control ferris wheel. He glanced Katse's way and was surprised to see her laughing. *She hated my driving and >enjoys< this?* "And the elevator's dropping and it shows no sign of stopping!" Katse chanted, clutching the handholds beside her and grinning like the mad creature she was. "Dropping ever dropping and never ever stopping until our brains they are hopping and our stomachs all are slopping and our ears they are popping because the elevator's dropping!" Again she laughed. "Lunatic!" Joe shouted at her. "Stop this thing! Are you trying to kill us both?" He could understand if she'd tossed him into this torture chamber alone but why would she want to risk self destruction this way? Again Katse laughed. "I said this ride's a doozy," she shouted back, hysteria plain in her voice. "Haven't you ever gone to Disney Land?" As the elevator drew to a sudden, jolting, halt Joe managed to swallow back what he'd eaten for breakfast. There was no way he was giving his enemy the satisfaction. Especially after what'd happened earlier. "What are you talking about?" he managed to ask. "Ride called the broken elevator," Katse replied, leaning against the wall and taking several deep breaths. "Give the eyes the right stimulus and you don't need much else to fool the brain. We only went down twenty feet." She straightened and moved to Joe's side. "This was my escape hatch, Joe. I couldn't have it be used coming *into* the base, so I set it up to disorient the rider going in. Back when I ruled here there'd be about fifteen Galactor guards waiting at the bottom." She picked him up, adding "*Whoof*! Condor Joe, you've been into those donuts again. You've gained weight." All Joe could do was growl, even as she leaned him, sitting, against the wall. "In a minute I'm going to leave you. You really are a dead weight right now and I'm going to need my hands free to get into the main control chamber." She smiled at him, a sweet, not-all-there smile. "I've no doubt that I'll be asked to retrieve you in a bit." "You sonuva..." Joe felt her finger tap the side of his nose playfully as she once more reminded him that she was female - for the moment. Not that it mattered. Bitch or the spawn of one, he didn't really care. He'd get Katse if it was the last thing he did. *Which it might be*, he had to admit to himself. *I shoulda guessed she have some control device on me. She'd know how, after all.* Realizing that Katse was still leaning over him, he demanded, "Well, aren't you going?" With a dreamy smile that was completely over the edge, Katse replied, "Not just yet, sweetheart." Leaning forward, blonde hair brushing his face with butterfly lightness, she suddenly pressed her lips against his. Disgust and fury shot through Joe. He could feel the warm pressure against his face and body and was all the more disgusted with the response from his own body. Angrily he took the only attack he had available and bit down on Katse's lip. With a shriek of pain, Katse sat back, hands going to her face. Blood spilled between her fingers and her blue eyes were wide with pain. "Ouch..." she managed to whisper, "that hurts..." *Serves you right, bastard*, Joe replied mentally. "Keep your damned hands - and lips - off me, you freak." "And that hurts even more." The long fingers moved down from Katse's face, revealing the slowly healing wound. Even so, the skin was swollen around the torn flesh. The expression in Katse's blue eyes was unreadable but frightening in its intensity. "Do it again, I dare you." Once again she leaned forward and Joe found himself locked in her tight embrace. This time, however, there was a difference. Last time Katse had merely pressed against him. Now he felt her press her tongue forward, into his mouth, forcing his lips apart. He opened his jaws, *bite the damn thing straight off!!! Wha?* His thoughts of violence were interrupted when Katse pressed a hard, metallic, object into his mouth. It felt like a ring. At the same time he felt something press into his hand - his bracelet. In shock, Joe simply stared at Katse as she rose to her feet and pushed her long hair out of her face. "Now," she told him softly, "I've got to go and see my old master. You'll be joining us, sooner or later, I'm sure." Her lips curved in a sweet, psychotic, smile. "And - my love? - it won't come soon enough for me." To be continued.... ************************************************************************ *"It has been theorized that an infinite number of monkeys typing at an* *infinite number of keyboards could eventually produce the works of * *Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this isn't true." * ************************************************************************ Sorry to take so long getting this out. Life's been mucho hectic, lately. Enemy of my Enemy, part 6 by Deborah Brown Characters 'acquired' from Tatsunoko enterprises ----- Valg stalked down the deserted and dusty hallway of her former base, feeling the fear in her body shifting it - slowly - into male. *And what kind of fit would Joe have had if I'd been a man back there?* That was a thought s/he preferred not to think of. Joe was psychotic enough as it was. There was no need to scare him into a homophobic frenzy along with all the other shocks he'd been dealt. Not that the situation didn't have some humor. Here s/he was, Berg Katse, having to depend on hir worst enemy. S/he wondered if the Ninja Team member would understand what was expected him. *Hopefully he won't turn that switch the wrong damn way.* That'd be a laugh - though a short one for hir. If nothing else, Soosai X would make it quick, re-establishing complete control. What would be left of hir mind wouldn't care anymore. He came to the door to the main chamber soon after the final convulsion that turned him completely male. Shifting into a gender other than the one in her current cycle was always painful, for s/he was essentially fighting hir body's natural *natural?* responses. It wouldn't be so bad when - or rather *if* - she was able to turn back. Right now, however, he had a God to face. Standing at the door, Katse examined the keypad. Now, if Gel Sadra hadn't changed the damn thing. But if I'm right about Soosai, she may never have been here.* He pressed several buttons, carefully paying attention to the pulsing of the monitor above him. If he was wrong he'd be charred ash in seconds. As the door slid open, allowing a heavy cloud of dead air to flow free, he knew a moment of triumph. Then he stepped back, using his shirt sleeve to mask his face. No one breathing had been in this room for years. Of course, Soosai X did not breathe and as soon as Katse stepped into the darkened chamber a brilliant light flared from the center of a circular dias. *TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH, KITTEN!* Katse gazed at the roiling colors in front of him. This time around Soosai was manifesting as a kind of pregnant laser beam. It rotated at the center, heavy at one end, then the other. Slowly he went to one knee, bowing deeply, hand at one shoulder in a gesture of respect. "It wasn't easy for me to leave my previous employment," he replied. *NO?* Soosai X asked, voice radiating sour criticism. Inwardly, Katse flinched. How many years had he been the recipient of Soosai's not so gentle sarcasm? *I'D THINK IT WOULD BE EASY FOR ONE OF YOUR SO-CALLED INTELLECT. WHY DID YOU BRING THAT MAN? DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS HE IS? YOU SHOULD HAVE KILLED HIM!* Katse shrugged. "I thought perhaps you would like to dispose of him. I beg your pardon if I've erred." He gestured back towards direction he'd come. "Shall I retrieve him?" *NOT NOW. FIRST WE MUST DISCUSS YOUR... FAILURE... TO RETURN TO ME.* The laser beam had no eyes but Katse could feel its stare nonetheless. *AND TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING IN THE LAST YEARS.* Katse prepared to lie through his teeth. *** Joe struggled to his feet. Even with the paralysis gone he was still stiff and achy. He spat the bitter metallic taste from his mouth again. The ring might not be in there anymore but it'd tasted awful. *I was damn lucky I didn't make matters worse with that thing*, he thought, remembering the torturously slow progress he'd had to make until he was sure he wasn't going to increase the paralysis. As he slipped on his bracelet he wondered what the hell Katse was up to. At least this much was obvious. Katse was plotting something and it probably meant little good for someone. It also probably required him to be able to move and help - and that was something Joe wasn't at all sure of. *I >ought< to just leave him here. Unfortunately, the memory of his promise to Nanbu to bring Kay Valg back in one piece kept him from doing so. Nanbu *had* to know who Valg was. He wasn't stupid and his behavior towards her had made it clear he didn't trust the doctor. Even if Nanbu hadn't known, Joe had to find out the truth. Cautiously Joe moved down the hallway, noting the path by the marks in the dust. About mid-way he noted that Katse's stride had altered, becoming unsteady for at least twenty steps - at the end of which were marks as if the blonde mutant had fallen to her knees. Then the strides continued, subtly different from those previous. Another gender shift, Joe realized and remembered what Katse'd said about its cause. *I'll give him a reason to be scared.* A few minutes later Joe heard a deep, hollow, voice speaking from beyond a darkened opening. A little light spilled into the hallway, quivering between colors with unnerving intensity. *SO YOU ARE WILLING NOW TO RETURN TO ME?* Joe shuddered, recognizing the harsh tones despite the years since last hearing them. "I've learned my lesson, my lord." Katse's voice had deepened to a light baritone. "I'm a freak to the entire world. So be it. Let it pay for the way it's treated me. I don't want to rule it anymore. I'll help you however you want." Joe frowned furiously. So that was his plan, to use Joe to get him here, back to Soosai X. *Except why would she give me a way to free myself.* Using every ounce of his ninja training, Joe slipped into the room. Katse was kneeling before a twisting, shifting, pattern of light, his - and this time he was obviously male - features cold and stern. "But why haven't you restarted Galactor, begun preparations. Surely there are still those who'd serve..." *FOOL!* The shout caused Berg Katse to cower backwards, expression terrified. *YOU DARE QUESTION ME?* Katse winced. "No, my lord. But I *do* need to know how much is left of Galactor. How else can I rebuild it so we can start again?" *REBUILD?* A laugh echoed through the chamber. *OH, I WILL REBUILD. BUT NOT WITH YOU, KATSE! YOU ARE A BROKEN AND FAILED TOY!* With those words the lights flickered brighter and Joe felt something grasp at his mind. *DO YOU THINK I WOULD FAIL TO NOTICE YOUR PATHETIC ATTEMPTS TO BE CLEVER? YOU BRING THE NINJA TEAM MEMBER TO ME AS A SUPPOSED PRISONER AND PASS THE MEANS OF HIS ESCAPE TO HIM THROUGH A KISS? DO YOU THINK I WOULDN'T NOTICE THAT YOU NO LONGER WEAR A RING?* Joe found himself pulled forward to fall to his knees beside Katse. "This is a fine mess," he muttered to Katse who was able to spare him a glance and a whispered, "I'm sorry Ollie." *BE SILENT!* Soosai X shouted. *I KNEW WHEN I CALLED YOU THAT YOU WOULD BE USELESS. THERE IS ONLY SO MUCH THAT I CAN DO WITH MATERIAL AS FLAWED AS YOU!* "If I am flawed, my lord, it is your handiwork. It was not I who shaped my destiny, but you." Katse's voice was bleak, almost emotionless, but Joe - aware of the psychotic tendencies of his *own* mind - could sense the hatred behind the tones. "You made me what I am, not just by melding me from what should have been two people but by twisting my childhood - forcing me to run all my life - until in desperation, I ran to you." *I SHAPED YOU, YES. YOU WERE THE CLAY UPON WHICH I BUILT MY PLANS. BUT YOU ARE WEAK, A SNIVELLING COWARD, UNABLE TO ACCEPT MY REAL MISSION. YOU ARE OF NO USE TO ME ANYMORE.* "I'm at a loss to know what else you expected me to be, considering how many traumas you inflicted on me" Katse replied. "As for being of use... Why did you call me to your side until I couldn't even rest anymore if you didn't need me?" *I SOUGHT YOU THEN BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE USEFUL TO ME. I DID NOT KNOW THEN HOW FAR YOU HAD BETRAYED ME. DO YOU THINK I COULD NOT TELL THAT YOU HAVE WORKED AGAINST ME THESE LAST FEW YEARS? HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT I CAN READ YOUR MIND? THAT I CAN CONTROL YOU?* Katse shrugged. "Then see if you can *still* control me," he suggested. "I won't deny I'm scared of you but there's no point in trying to argue. What do you intend to do?" Joe sensed immense satisfaction. *I WILL DESTROY YOU BOTH. BUT FIRST YOU WILL TELL ME ONE THING.* "And that is?" Katse's voice was supremely unconcerned. *WHERE IS THE CHILD?* At Soosai's words Katse made a little choking noise and Soosai continued, *I KNOW IT WAS NOT TAKEN BY ISO.* Joe frowned. What child was the alien talking about? "I'm not telling you a damn thing!" Katse replied and jerked as a line of energy slashed out at him, striking and pressing against the middle of his forehead. "It's *my *child, damnit! I'm not letting you do the same thing to it that you did to me." *Katse has a child?* Joe wondered. The thought was unnerving. *I CREATED IT THROUGH YOU. IT IS MINE. I WILL NOT BE DENIED.* "Oh yes you will!" Katse screamed back and there was something animal in that sound. Joe watched as the mutant managed, somehow to rise to his feet. "I'll die before I tell you." *YOU'LL TELL ME AND THEN DIE,* Soosai corrected. *YOU ARE NOT MY MATCH!* "Aren't I?" Katse demanded. "You gave me my abilities. Do you doubt their strength? I've been practicing, all these years, just in case you came back for me. Moreover, you're weak. You have no one. Nothing. This base is empty because there's no one left to serve you. You're helpless here, your final avatar bound at the center of this dais and there's no one to build you a new home. This is it!" Joe knew somehow that he'd been given the clue he needed. If he could destroy Soosai X here the alien could never return. But how was he to get free? The answer came a moment later as he felt the energies holding him down lessen. Of course - Soosai was turning his will on Katse, trying to force his mutant creation to capitulate. The more energy he used for that, the less he'd have to deal with his other prisoner. With effort, Joe pulled his arm forward and shouted "Bird Go!" In seconds he was garbed in his uniform. *STOP, CONDOR JOE!* Soosai managed to shout, as more energy bolts aimed themselves at Katse. *IF YOU KILL ME NOW, KATSE DIES TOO.* *Gee, what a shame*, Joe thought to himself, drawing one of his feather shuriken. At the same time Katse managed to gasp, "Do you really think he cares? I'm still his worst enemy." He hesitated, not because he cared about Katse but because he wasn't sure where to aim the feather. *RELEASE ME, KATSE!* There was terror in Soosai's voice and Joe realized that the two were caught in each other's minds. Katse must be preventing his former master from backing away from their psychic duel. Joe could feel fear emanating from the energy being on the dais. At the same time Katse flung his arms wide. "Joe! What's true one way is true the other!" Understanding lit Joe's eyes and he turned towards Katse then stopped, seeing the thin, fine boned face clearly for the first time. There was a kind of calm in hir expression as s/he gazed into the energies of Soosai X's current form. Joe had never seen Katse look so peaceful before and for a moment he saw what Katse might have become. Another image occurred to him - a distant and bittersweet memory and he knew what he was seeing and why Katse'd seemed so familiar to him, back at the car - and whose name s/he'd nearly used when s/he'd woken. Instead of throwing his weapon, he flung himself onto Katse, forcing the mutant's eyes away from Soosai X's glowing form. At the same time he tossed one of his small grenades, shielding himself and his companion with his cloak. The explosion was accompanied by two screams, one from the alien whose only connection to this world had been destroyed, the other from the man beneath Joe. The Condor risked a glance towards the dais and was pleased to see only rubble and an occasional spark. He returned his gaze on the body beneath him. "Katse? You okay?" Silence. Again he whispered the mutant's name. Still no answer. Sitting up, he put his ear to Katse's chest. His old enemy was still breathing, at least. Noticing that the sparks from the dais were beginning to spread to the other machinery in the room, it occurred to Joe that it was high time he got himself - and Katse - out of there. *** It was the explosion that woke her. Of course, an entire mountainside going into orbit would be enough to wake the dead, and - though a part of her might wish it - Berg Katse was not dead. She opened her eyes, feeling warm sand beneath her, and saw a tall figure standing over her, staring off into the west. "Hell!" Condor Joe muttered feelingly. "Farm Film review woulda loved *that* one." Managing to turn her head and see the smoke rising against the crystal sky, Katse had to agree. "Why," she managed to ask - despite her aching head "Why did you *do* that?" Joe looked down. "I'm a Science Team Ninja," he replied with a grin. "We blow things up real good!" "That's *not* what I mean and you know it," Katse growled, irritably, managing - somehow - to sit up. Rubbing at her temples she added, "You had your chance to destroy us both..." Joe hunkered down beside her and grinned even more broadly. "Yeah. I'll probably regret that, but if I killed you, who'd put me back together when I start rusting?" Joe's query startled a chuckle out of Katse. "Hmmph," she muttered. "That's not much of an excuse. Haven't you ever heard of an oil can?" Her face went serious. "Has it occurred to you that by not truly *killing* Soosai he might manage to find a way back again?" "I thought that was his last refuge..." Joe looked worried and Katse couldn't help but give him a superior look, explaining that what they'd seen was his physical entry into this dimension. Its destruction would make it close to impossible for him to return but close to and actually impossible are two different things. When Katse finished Joe shrugged philosophically. "I'm willing to take that risk," he replied calmly. Katse stared at Joe for a long, disconcerted, moment. "But... You hate me..." "Yeah. I did. I also realized something down there." Joe leaned down and picked Katse up. "You manipulated everything, didn't you. Conned Nanbu into letting you come here and convinced him that *I* was the last person on Earth you wanted near you. Conned Soosai into revealing that this really was his last entry point and nearly conned me into killing you." He carried her back to his car. "I was wondering that you made it so easy for me to realize the truth. The old Berg Katse was so good at hiding hir real self when in disguise that I shouldn't have been able to guess. Which meant - on some level - you meant me to know." Slowly Katse nodded. That *had* been her intent, although she'd meant to wait a bit longer, to avoid the necessity of carting Joe's helpless body around. Joe continued. "Then I saw your face - when you as much as told me killing you would kill Soosai X. You wanted me to do it and I couldn't see any reason for you to feel that way that didn't involve a major change of heart." He set her in the passenger seat, carefully closing the door so that her hair didn't get caught. As weak as she was, moving even that light weight was beyond her. "Besides, I promised Nanbu I'd bring you back - alive - and that's what I intend to do." Katse blanched. Nanbu was going to be furious. If she was dead now, he couldn't do anything but accept her sacrifice but Joe was right, she *had* tricked the professor. He wasn't going to like that, even when she'd done it with at least somewhat decent intent. "I see..." she muttered, and wondered briefly if she could convince Joe to kill her after all. But that wasn't a serious thought. She really didn't want to die - she never did, even at her most suicidal - she just wanted the world to stop dumping on her. Joe swung himself over the side of his car door and into the driver's seat. "Why'd you do it?" Katse managed a small smile. "For reasons you should understand, Joe. Revenge." She looked off into the distance. "Soosai created me, shaped me and abandoned me. He murdered my mother in creating me and murdered my father for defying him." "That's quite a sob story..." Joe began but Katse managed to lean towards him, hissing "Sob story? Do you call constant manipulation, from day one, a mere *sob* story? I'm not asking for pity, Joe. I'm coming to terms with it, but if you think I'm going to take *all* the blame for what I did, when there was absolutely *no* way I could have become anything else but the power mad maniac I was, you'd better think again!" "Hey!" Joe backed up, leaning against his door in his effort to get some distance. "Okay. It's not just a sob story. I suppose it's no worse a reason than my own. Calm down, Katse. Don't go ballistic on me." He shook his head. "I'm used to hearing excuses and I guess I reacted automatically." Katse looked away. "All right," she whispered and leaned back. "I hope you don't mind, Joe, but I think I'm going to sleep... for a very very long while." Joe nodded. "Just one more question." At Katse's raised brow he asked, "What child?" Katse winced. He *would* ask that question. Finally, very carefully, she worded her reply. "I'm not going to live forever. Considering how hard you and the others were trying to kill me, Soosai decided to create another me, in case his plans didn't work the way he'd intended." She tightened her lips, this wasn't the complete truth, but *that* was something she didn't want Joe to know. "He had me go and breed with someone. I couldn't bring the child to term under normal circumstances, but Soosai used his powers to speed the process. After it was born he made me forget about it and it was dumped, just as I had been, in an orphanage." Shuddering at the memory of her own freakish childhood, she managed a smile. "Of course, it wasn't long after that that his homeworld was destroyed and he decided to destroy Earth as well. His plans for my child were put on hold - since they didn't matter anymore. When I remembered the child I took it elsewhere. I didn't want him doing to it what he'd done to me." Joe stared ahead of him, "I see, so there's another..." he hesitated, clearly trying to find the right word. "Gendermorph? around? It's not as bad as its... parent was... I hope." Katse shook her head. "I was careful in my choosing. The place it is now deals with special children. They're doing a good job with Jackie." "What about the father? What happened to him?" Katse swallowed. Was Joe getting suspicious? "He doesn't know and I don't intend to tell him. It wouldn't help matters and since he probably wouldn't care for having had any relations with me... or being a freak's father... it's better that way." It hurt but it was the truth. What normal human male could deal with having been Berg Katse's lover? Especially one who was also hir enemy? Slowly Joe nodded, starting the car. "Well, you're probably right." As they started moving, he added, "Though I think Jackie's a good name for a kid like that. Jack/Jacqueline?" Katse looked down at her fingers. *He knows*, she realized with a sharp pain and reflected that he was - at least - not pushing the point. It'd be best for all concerned. "I'm glad you approve." "Yeah." Without another word, Joe turned the car and sent it gliding up the road. They had a long trip home. END ====== Well, that's it. The next story is in the process of writing. If you need the previous sections, let me know and I'll send it in whatever form you prefer. Word 7.0, Write or plain text. Mata ne!